Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A,B,C Magazine

Our 5th grade buddies came last Friday and instead of them reading to the kindergartners, our Beach Buddies read to them.  After 10 minutes of reading, 5th graders and kindergartners teamed up to find letters A-Z in magazines, cut them out, and glue them.  This is a fun activity for home.  

Capitals and Lowercase

The Beach Buddies know the difference between capital and lowercase letters.  This is a great concept to keep practicing.  The more your student practices writing their capital and lowercase letters, the more they improve their fine motor skills, pencil control, and handwriting. 

Ms. Bennett

First and Last

Last week we talked about first and last letters in words.  The Beach Buddies picked up this concept pretty fast.  When you are reading at home this is a great concept to practice. "Find the word bat." If they can't find the word, ask them what it might start with/ end with.  This should help eliminate most words.  "What is the first letter?" "What is the last letter?"  "What sound does that letter make?"

We use Kagan structures daily to practice different skills.  Below (go through the link) is Quiz-Quiz Keep.  Students quiz each other using their name and then keep their card.  This is a quick 2 minute activity that gives them a lot of practice!

In contrast, below you will see students participating in a Quiz-Quiz Trade.  This is the Kagan structure we use most often (maybe twice a day).  In this structure, students quiz each other and then trade their cards.  Most of the time there is a sentence stem written on the board.  This helps them with correct sentence structure.  

Ms. Bennett

Plants need water

Plant Needs

After letting our Lima beans soak for a day, the Beach Buddies learned that seeds and plants need water to grow.  The seeds started to shed the coating and started to open up.

-Ms. Bennett

Monday, September 5, 2016

Learning Partners

Work Together
Take Turns
Are Kind
Give Praise

Friday Reading Buddies

The Beach Buddies and Ms. Polanco's 5th graders are teaming up during reading time on Fridays.  Each Beach Buddy has a buddy that will come visit them every Friday.  This week we taught the 5th graders how to read with a partner.  Our Beach Buddies picked out some books and read the pictures to the 5th graders and the 5th graders then read the words.  

Last Friday was all smiles for both classes!

-Ms. Bennett

Class Mission Statement

Sunday, August 28, 2016


2016-2017 Beach Buddies 
What an awesome first week of school!  Our Beach Buddies learned how to sort by attributes, that they are readers, the procedures in the classroom and school, but most importantly learned how to work as a TEAM!

Next week we will be discussing how to be a good partner.  Throughout the week ask your Beach Buddy who their partner is and ask them how they are working together! Good partners work together, are kind, and give praise!

Have a wonderful week 2!
Ms. Bennett

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I am a poet!


We started off our poetry unit by letting every Beach Buddy know that they were not just a writer, but now a .....poet.  From reading poetry every day, students started exploring how to write their very own poems. They were inspired by sounds, songs, objects, the outdoors, and other poems.  It has been an amazing couple of weeks seeing these 5 and 6 year olds become poets.  

The power of poetry......

Ms. Bennett


The Beach Buddies learned all about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Barack Obama last week.  We learned that George Washington was called "The Father of Our Country" and that he was our first president.  We learned that Abraham Lincoln loved to read and that he was our 16th president.  Finally we learned about Barack Obama and that he is now our 44th president. 

Ask your Beach Buddy what else they learned about these presidents!

-Ms. Bennett

100 days smart

The Beach Buddies are 100 days smarter!

Ms. Bennett

Valentine Party Flashback

So much love

We had so much love at our Valentine party.  Thank you to all the families for making this party possible. 

Ms. Bennett