Sunday, September 20, 2015

One To Ten

Numbers to 10

Our Beach Buddies had fun working with numbers to 10.  Here are a few of the things they did:

One partner rolled the dice, and the other partner showed it on the ten frame.

They worked with their team of 10 to put themselves in order, 1 to 10.  

They played memory with their partners and matched the numeral with the number of dots.

They played 'Beat you to Ten' with their partner.

They practiced writing their numbers 1-10 on the backs of their neighbor.  

At home practice:  Practice writing numbers to 10 and drawing quantities that go with particular numbers.  For example:  If your child draws a 5, they could draw five cars next to that number.

Next week: Patterns

Ms. Bennett

Sunday, September 13, 2015

1 to 5

I can make 5

This week in math we focused on numbers up to 5.  We came up with things that come in 5's (fingers, toes, candles on a cake, a nickel, etc.), practiced instantly recognizing numbers up to 5, learned rhymes to write the numbers 1-5, put collections of items into groups of 5, and played a game called 'spill 5 beans'.  

Next week we will working with numbers 1-10.  

Take a collection of items and see if your student can put them into groups of five.

Ms. Bennett

Monday, September 7, 2015


It's all about TEAMWORK!

The last two weeks we have been learning about teamwork and what that looks like in our classroom.  We have discussed that our class is a team and we need to work together and help one another.  Each day during week one we did team building exercises and practiced teamwork. 


Shoes, shoes, and more shoes

Week 1:
The Beach Buddies have had a great first two weeks in math.  We started off week one with learning attributes using our shoes.  We came up with a list of different attributes, sorted, and graphed our shoes throughout the week.  Ask your Beach Buddy to tell you two attributes of their shoe!  
