Sunday, March 30, 2014

P is for Plants

Unfortunately the Beach Buddies were not able to participate in the ladybugs and bees unit the rest of the grade took part in.  Instead, our class along with one other kinder class in the district learned about PLANTS! This was a pilot for the district and we had a great deal of fun with it.  Here is a little peak at what we did:

We learned about the parts of the plants

Then, the students got to make their very own model of a plant.  Each day we focused on a different part. I almost cried, they worked so hard and their products were phenomenal!

We learned about what plants need.  We did an experiment and learned that seeds need water!! When we put lima beans in water, they got bigger and started cracking open.  If only it had soil, space, and sunlight it would grow.

Next, we learned how the stem works.  We put celery in colored water and watched the leaves change color.  When we broke the stem we could see where the water was traveling.  The kids loved it!

Last, we learned about the plant life cycle.  We read many stories, acted it out, and recorded it in our science notebooks.

The Beach Buddies had a blast learning about plants.  Our next science unit is animals.  We will get live snails, worms, and isopods!  But before that.... two weeks of Eric Carle and one week of  Oviparous animals. 

Ms. Bennett